Map 6 includes: Presumpscot River Preserve, Riverton Trolley Park, University Park, Virginia Woods, Ocean Ave Recreation Area, and Oat Nuts Park.
Part of the proceeds of this map will be donated to…
As manager of the Sebago to the Sea Trail, the Presumpscot Regional Land Trust co-stewards the Westbrook parts of this trail with the Westbrook Recreation & Conservation Commission and the Portland parts with Portland Trails.
Most of the parks and trails on this map are along the Sebago to the Sea Trail.
If you enjoy the Westbrook and Portland trails on this map, volunteer with or donate to the Presumpscot Regional Land Trust or volunteer with or donate to Portland Trails.
On this map, Portland Trails stewards Riverton Trolley Park, Presumpscot River Preserve, Oat Nuts Park, Ocean Ave Recreation Area, University Park and the Riverton Interurban Rail Trail.
On this map, the Falmouth Land Trust And the Town of Falmouth co-steward Pleasant Hill Preserve.
On this map, the Town of Falmouth stewards River Point Conservation Area.
Do you enjoy Falmouth trails? You can volunteer with the Friends of Falmouth Trails, or get involved with Falmouth Land Trust by donating, becoming a steward, or volunteering to maintain trails.